
What Does It Mean To Be Free - video for Thomas Azier


Photo's made for the article  'Het is tijd om onze definitie van succes te veranderen. Het is tijd voor morele ambitie' by De Correspondent

'Photographer Jesper Boot was commissioned by De Correspondent to create a photo series in which he questions the image surrounding success. He played with the light and decor that is often used to depict success, but this time he left the people anonymous. As a result, it offers room for new forms of success.'


Photo's made for the article  'Het is tijd om onze definitie van succes te veranderen. Het is tijd voor morele ambitie' by De Correspondent

'Photographer Jesper Boot was commissioned by De Correspondent to create a photo series in which he questions the image surrounding success. He played with the light and decor that is often used to depict success, but this time he left the people anonymous. As a result, it offers room for new forms of success.'


For  'WE DOEN ONS BEST' by Opening Statement


For  'WE DOEN ONS BEST' by Opening Statement


Photo's made for the article 'Hoe onze mediacratie een wantrouwenmachine werd' by De Correspondent.

'Photographer Jesper Boot took the photos for this story. In his work he questions the representation of power and politics in the media. He made a new series for De Correspondent in which he focuses on the publicity surrounding the allowance affair and the way in which current politics is represented in the media.'


Photo's made for the article 'Hoe onze mediacratie een wantrouwenmachine werd' by De Correspondent.

'Photographer Jesper Boot took the photos for this story. In his work he questions the representation of power and politics in the media. He made a new series for De Correspondent in which he focuses on the publicity surrounding the allowance affair and the way in which current politics is represented in the media.'


Donder - video for Thomas Azier


Photo's made for the article 'Hoe onze mediacratie een wantrouwenmachine werd' by De Correspondent.


Photo's made for the article 'Hoe onze mediacratie een wantrouwenmachine werd' by De Correspondent.

​Weaving water by Bela Rofe & Tom Schwaiger ×
​Weaving water by Bela Rofe & Tom Schwaiger ×

For 'Horizon' by Opening Statement


For 'Horizon' by Opening Statement


Weaving water by Bela Rofe & Tom Schwaiger


Weaving water by Bela Rofe & Tom Schwaiger


Photo's made for the article 'Het is tijd om onze definitie van succes te veranderen. Het is tijd voor morele ambitie' by De Correspondent


Photo's made for the article 'Het is tijd om onze definitie van succes te veranderen. Het is tijd voor morele ambitie' by De Correspondent


For 'WE DOEN ONS BEST' by Opening Statement


For 'WE DOEN ONS BEST' by Opening Statement

Using Format