
Police chase - a dummy book and visual research into the televised police chase. Made world famous and romanticised by Hollywood and the O.J Simpson chase in 1994, but also a very deadly thing with more than 300 people dying every year as a result of the chases. Palm trees, crashes and highway overpasses, tv helicopters make every chase into an televised real life action movie.

434 screenshots from helicopter police chases
25 categories
489 pages
120 by 192mm
Edition of 1 ×

Police chase - a dummy book and visual research into the televised police chase. Made world famous and romanticised by Hollywood and the O.J Simpson chase in 1994, but also a very deadly thing with more than 300 people dying every year as a result of the chases. Palm trees, crashes and highway overpasses, tv helicopters make every chase into an televised real life action movie.

434 screenshots from helicopter police chases
25 categories
489 pages
120 by 192mm
Edition of 1 ×

In the past 6 years I have made 30 dummy books, and almost all in an edition of 1. Making dummy books of my projects is always an important part, every time creating an overview of the projects. Constantly challenging myself to design the book within the boundaries of the printshop.


Own your piece of the sky  -dummy  part 5

Part 1

500 pages

21X10X6,2 CM

Edition of 1


Own your piece of the sky  -dummy  part 5

Part 1

500 pages

21X10X6,2 CM

Edition of 1


Sky studies - second edition. 1030 pages of only skies divided over 4 books and 4 categories: Lots of colour, blue with some colour, grey/blue and monochromes. 


Sky studies - second edition. 1030 pages of only skies divided over 4 books and 4 categories: Lots of colour, blue with some colour, grey/blue and monochromes. 


SIÈGE DU MÉTRO À PARIS is a small visual research dummy into the chairs at metro stations in Paris. Every station has a different colour of chair. Bright green, yellow or orange in grey and loud stations. Zoomed in, they become reflective colourfields.

Number of pages: 132

Size: 148 x 210 mm
Edition of 1 ×

SIÈGE DU MÉTRO À PARIS is a small visual research dummy into the chairs at metro stations in Paris. Every station has a different colour of chair. Bright green, yellow or orange in grey and loud stations. Zoomed in, they become reflective colourfields.

Number of pages: 132

Size: 148 x 210 mm
Edition of 1 ×

Ticket to paradise is a collection of iPhone photo’s made in the past 5 years. With every new model I got, the camera got better and I started shooting more and more of my everyday life. The iPhone makes taking pictures so easy, that the book shows a more playful, honest and spontaneous life.

Ticket to paradise
17 x 29 cm
284 pages
Edition of 1 ×

Ticket to paradise is a collection of iPhone photo’s made in the past 5 years. With every new model I got, the camera got better and I started shooting more and more of my everyday life. The iPhone makes taking pictures so easy, that the book shows a more playful, honest and spontaneous life.

Ticket to paradise
17 x 29 cm
284 pages
Edition of 1 ×

Own your piece of the sky - dummy 4. 

Own your piece of the sky
Edition of 1
285 pages
24 X 27 cm ×

Own your piece of the sky - dummy 4. 

Own your piece of the sky
Edition of 1
285 pages
24 X 27 cm ×

My thesis from 2019 - Deconstructing the political image. In my thesis I looked at 12 different political ‘iconic’ images, comparing them with every other image available from the same event. In 4 of the 12 photos, an image editor chose an image that was not representative of the meeting or of the politicians themselves. It made me realise how much influence image editors and newspapers actually have on how we view politicians. 


My thesis from 2019 - Deconstructing the political image. In my thesis I looked at 12 different political ‘iconic’ images, comparing them with every other image available from the same event. In 4 of the 12 photos, an image editor chose an image that was not representative of the meeting or of the politicians themselves. It made me realise how much influence image editors and newspapers actually have on how we view politicians. 


Own your piece of the sky -dummy part 5

Part 2

182 pages
100 x210 x 16 mm
Edition of 1 


Own your piece of the sky -dummy part 5

Part 2

182 pages
100 x210 x 16 mm
Edition of 1 


We buy cars - A small collection of car images.


We buy cars - A small collection of car images.


Own your piece of the sky -dummy part 5

Part 3

303 pages
100 x210 x 16 mm
Edition of 1 


Own your piece of the sky -dummy part 5

Part 3

303 pages
100 x210 x 16 mm
Edition of 1 


Installation studies - 72 photo’s, 9 spreads, new photo’s and outtakes, 13 different settings and a lot of colour.

Number of pages: 102
Size: 29,7 X 42,0
Edition of 1 ×

Installation studies - 72 photo’s, 9 spreads, new photo’s and outtakes, 13 different settings and a lot of colour.

Number of pages: 102
Size: 29,7 X 42,0
Edition of 1 ×

Portraits - Portraits is  focused only on portraits from the last 10 years.

Number of pages: 149

Size: 24 x 29,7

Edition of 1


Portraits - Portraits is  focused only on portraits from the last 10 years.

Number of pages: 149

Size: 24 x 29,7

Edition of 1


Trump - collection of newspaper cutouts from the first year of Donald Trumps presidency


Trump - collection of newspaper cutouts from the first year of Donald Trumps presidency


Sky Studies - First edition. Only sky - In almost every colour: blue, grey, yellow, black, purple, orange, pink, and red .

Number of pages: 596

Size: A4

Edition of 1


Sky Studies - First edition. Only sky - In almost every colour: blue, grey, yellow, black, purple, orange, pink, and red .

Number of pages: 596

Size: A4

Edition of 1


Sunny Side Up - 5th edition. My ever present urge to take pictures never stops, so does my editions of dummy’s of this series, showing the colourful and cheerful side of everyday life. This book is always a good way to go through all my photo’s, dating back 5 years, and make a very strict selection of it. 

Number of pages: 300
Size: 21 by 29,7 cm.
138 Full colour, 8 B&W photo’s
Edition of 1 ×

Sunny Side Up - 5th edition. My ever present urge to take pictures never stops, so does my editions of dummy’s of this series, showing the colourful and cheerful side of everyday life. This book is always a good way to go through all my photo’s, dating back 5 years, and make a very strict selection of it. 

Number of pages: 300
Size: 21 by 29,7 cm.
138 Full colour, 8 B&W photo’s
Edition of 1 ×

Sky studies - Third edition. 178 A3 pages of full bleed, colourful pictures of the sky, mixed together.

Number of pages: 178
Size: 29,7 X 42,0
Edition of 1 ×

Sky studies - Third edition. 178 A3 pages of full bleed, colourful pictures of the sky, mixed together.

Number of pages: 178
Size: 29,7 X 42,0
Edition of 1 ×

Arbre Magique - A small publication  about the iconic shaped car freshener. The name is different around the world, but the shape stays the same. The publication is made almost like a car brochure, with colourful spreads, but also information and ordinary photo’s of all the different scents of car freshener.

Number of pages: 76
Size: 21 x 29,7 cm
Edition of 1 ×

Arbre Magique - A small publication  about the iconic shaped car freshener. The name is different around the world, but the shape stays the same. The publication is made almost like a car brochure, with colourful spreads, but also information and ordinary photo’s of all the different scents of car freshener.

Number of pages: 76
Size: 21 x 29,7 cm
Edition of 1 ×
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